zaterdag 2 mei 2009


DNA Sandeel
The sandeel is a fly that every SWFF (saltwater flyfisher) in Europe and the States should have in their flybox. It goes in the same category as the clouser or deceiver. A top notch fly that is used when sandeels or small baitfish are around.
Because of their stiffness we have to twitch and jerk the fly into action, double stripping is another method.
Sandeels can be tied in various sizes and with several materials. I usually make them out of ultrahair/angelhair and epoxy or the smaller ones which I use for seatrout with DNA fibers and silliskin.
Method and materials:
Hook: TMC 811s size 4
Thread: olive 8/0
Tail: DNA frosty fiber olive and white
Several strands of krystal flash
Body: Silliskin MOP (Mother of Pearl)

Step 1: place the hook in the vice and fix the thread, Turn the hook upside down and tie in a small bunch of DNA at the hook eye.

Step 2: Turn hook right way up again and tie in a bigger bunch of olive DNA. Stroke the fibers back.

Step 3: Cut out a small piece of silliskin, the length of the hookshank both length and width.

Step 4: Place the piece of silliskin on top of the DNA and start sticking the skin at the hookeye, strike it down the length of the back, only then pull the skin down to the sides. Let both sides connect with each other underneath.

Step 5: cut the remaining skin from the underside and stick 2 small eyes on either side.

Epoxy variant
Step 1: place the hook in the vice and fix the thread, Turn the hook upside down and tie in a small bunch of ultrahair at the hook eye.
Step 2: Turn hook right way up again and tie in a bigger bunch of olive ultrahair. Stroke the fibers back.
Step 3: mix a small amount of epoxy on a piece of paper. I use a really small amount and use a toothpick
Step 4: slightly cover the hairs with epoxy whilst holding the hair tightly in shape. Keep holding them so that they don’t flare out.
Ps it is time consuming but the result is much nicer then using a epoxy drier.
Step 5: after the first part is semi dried place the eyes on both sides.

Step 6: Mix another small amount of epoxy and coat a second layer.

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