maandag 18 mei 2009

Closed season

During the months of March to June we have a closed season for fishing the predatory fish, pike, zander (pikeperch) and perch are forbidden quary. In that time using baits larger tthan an inch are also forbidden. These couple of months are the slow months, most anglers turn to the other fish like roach, carp and bream to ease the fishing needs. When May 31st turns and day breaks on the first of june, an whole army of anglers will have sharpend there trebbles, tied their streamers and rigged their softbaits.
For me the closed season is a slow one, troutseason in the surounding countries is still in its first stages, roach will often be difficult to target since the weather is still very cold and I prefer sight fishing. I did have some memorable occaissons this year. I have this sweet spot on the river "Kromme Rijn" where I know big roach head up to warm up in the watery sun of spring. This pond is only accessible during a couple of weeks each year due to the many waterlillies that sprout up as soon as the sun intensifies. Big roach back here in the Low Lands are roach reaching 40 cm. these roach are golden color and damned spooky to catch, they have a reason for getting this big and that is being very spooky and picky about breakfast, lunch and supper.
This spring was a perfect spring, several biggies could be landed and some Ide were fooled as well.

No with just a few days before the closed season is open I will move my actions to other species and I'll return again in fall when the lillies reside and the pond is accessible again.
I'll be back

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