Lesley used to be a hardcore carpfisher. You know the ones with the Bivvy domes, rodpod, homemade secret flavour boillies etc etc. Nowadays he fishes only at sea from his boat or Hobie kayak.
A couple of weeks ago I caught my first carp on the fly and after talking about it his carp bug started to come alive. He wanted to come along and catch a carp. First I didn't really think it would be a good idea, flyfishing for carp is not the most easy thing to do. I compare it a bit to bonefishing, first you have to spot the buggers, then you have to be able to sneak up to them to get in range. If you come to that part then placing a fly in front of a carp is the next feat you'll have to do. All in all I thought Lesley would never be able to do that since he hardly ever flyfishes and isn't a skilled caster.
But the weather was nice and had some hours to spare. We went to some small pools next to the river "Lek" where I knew that carp were around. After spotting and spooking many of them Lesley managed to hook a small one. It was a "great" small carp and Lesley was a happy dude.
The rest of the day remained carpless, just one bream but they don't count.
The carp are busy with other things at the moment....nudge nudge say no more....